Prepping (?)

Gold is for re-building later when things stabilize and as a life insurance policy on your savings. I was in Sarajevo years ago when it was being shelled and asked a local i met if gold was of any value during the troubles? He said yes, you could almost buy anything with gold but he personally would not trade his gold for anything but ammo.
1st of all- preppers have never been "right"
2nd of all- they might be one day, but I hope not
3rd of all- who has ideas for shelf stable tacos?

Well your not 100% right. Alot of the supplies are good in time of a natural disaster. Which is what I keep stuff for and I think everyone should. As far as the tacos go I have that covered.
well, there has never been a SHTF/TEOTWAWKI event in the US that effected more than one region of the country to where they needed more food to survive than the 72 hours fema recommends.
only thing i can think of is the depression, but the well off people did fine, and most people had no savings at all.
back during the Y2K junk, i had a neighbor that was really going crazy into this preparing for the end of civilization (as he claimed was about to happen). i'm talking several hundred pounds of rice,beans,grains Ect.. sealed in barrels . he was constantly coming over to the shop bugging me about getting ready, gotta get this , that and the other, the government was coming to take your guns and put you in camps. it was driving me crazy. one night the wife and i were enjoying some cold beers and old country music when here him and his wife come down the drive dressed from head to toe in camo! they were all excited and jabbering about all the crap they had and all the plans they had. he got all pissed off when he asked me what we had got put together and i told him nothing. he was all jacked up about us " not caring" .i told him with mine and his wife standing right there " i dont need anything, you have everything i need. as soon as the poo hits the fan i'm shooting your as$ right thru the chest and taking all yo sh#t" he lost it let me tell you. two weeks later he had moved out over a couple of nights.
now here is the crazy thing. a van, couple of tahos , ford expeditions and several people showed up searching the place. i was told later by a cop buddy that this guy came up in some stuff found dealing with that Eric Robert Rudolph guy that was on the run. crazy place, the same house was rented by a local bone doctor who was hooked on cocaine and was trading prescriptions for dope. he got busted not long after .

All preppers have a streak of crazy. I think its a pre-requiset.
Yup, that is what my wife tells me. I'm crazy, but when something happens like rioting or flooding and looting she comes around to ask if we are ready. I don't really prep as much as I once did, I still have my guns, bullets and go bags.
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