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Preparedness checklist?

That's easier said than done. I've been looking on and off for a group to join. From what I have found, most prepper groups that are right leaning require christian faith and the left leaning groups only focus on gardening and less likely useful skills. If anyone knows of a local group that isn't religion or politically focused, I would be willing to learn new things.
I am a God fearing man and a Christian. However, I have found have that most Christians can be stuck up hypocrites, racist pricks with holier than thou attitudes. Then they wonder why they can't win over souls for the Lord ???? My father had to go rough up the pastor at a local Babtist private school and put us in a different one ( Grace Brethern) because of screwed up ethics. Most of the teaching staff were lesbian. Go figure! They cleaned house after we left. The pastor had a meeting with the staff and said " If a family like the Vess family have to take their children out of our school we have a big problem. ". We were told that by one of the better members. I mean they cleaned house in a major way. Just shows you just because people are Christian doesn't mean they act like they are suppose to. Human nature by design. I will guarantee one thing that won't matter so much when it really comes down to it. They are living in a fantasy world now but that would change if you can offer a valuable, usable resource when it hits the fan. Can I get a Amen!
Physical fitness is way up the list too.
But I’m guilty of not following my own recommendation.

So I’ll go with something I do, do.
Generator (duel fuel, LP and gasoline)
Lots of extra food on hand.
Extra medication when possible.

I’m physically fit. Thank god. It’s the only consistent thing in my life. Lol. I need to ease up on beer and hopefully be back in my college days of greatness. Lol
I don’t…one issue with the US military is being spoiled by limitless resources and an entire group of people doing whatever it takes to ensue your success and to save you if it goes sideways.
I'd start, if you haven't already, preparing and brushing up hand to hand skills. Learning to handle myself early on has saved me more than once
ALWAYS carry a quality sharp knife and a quality flashlight. Can't tell you how many times I've been in a group of men and was the only one carrying a blade AND a flashlight when somebody needed one
Storage food, water source with filter, fire source, shelter, defense, neighbors to watch your back, early alert system (pets or animals)
It's endless
Chickens and a dairy cow, or goat will pretty much take care of your food needs if the food supply is cut off for an extended period of time - which seems the most likely scenario to happen based on recent and current events. Supplement those two main calorie sources with a small (or large) garden and you'll not only not starve but, also probably gain weight. That's how the English did it during WW2
Chickens and a dairy cow, or goat will pretty much take care of your food needs if the food supply is cut off for an extended period of time - which seems the most likely scenario to happen based on recent and current events. Supplement those two main calorie sources with a small (or large) garden and you'll not only not starve but, also probably gain weight. That's how the English did it during WW2

Animals need to be fed. If you don't have good grass for a cow, it will not produce enough output to justify it's existence, and then it just becomes a limited supply of meat. Goats are better foragers, but without hay or feed, they need to roam, and the more time you have to spend shepharding them, which is a very time consuming and exposed activity. Chickens can free range, but in a SHTF scenario, there will be a lot of predators (former two and four legged house occupents, wandering and hungry) to deal with. Which means more guard duty. Roosters are good protectors against some types of predation, but can't fend off dogs or motivated cats, and they are also noisy as hell, advertising the chickens' (and your) location as a food source.

So: Before you start thinking of a hobby farm as a food source, consider the amount of work involved in feeding and protecting those animals. Doesn't mean it can't work. It just comes with obstacles that you need to plan for.

Fish, on the other hand, are a source of QUIET protein. If you live near a legally accessible lake, large pond, river, then you should be good to go; stock up on fishing line and hooks. Nature provides the bait. If you can make a pond and stock it with fish that will reproduce readily (bream, catfish), that's a great way to go. Bonus: If the world doesn't fall apart, you get the benefit of recreational fishing.
That's easier said than done. I've been looking on and off for a group to join. From what I have found, most prepper groups that are right leaning require christian faith and the left leaning groups only focus on gardening and less likely useful skills. If anyone knows of a local group that isn't religion or politically focused, I would be willing to learn new things.
Call the fbi, doj, cia, atf, or the nsa to see which group they recommend, I'm sure they have agents in all the groups.
Animals need to be fed. If you don't have good grass for a cow, it will not produce enough output to justify it's existence, and then it just becomes a limited supply of meat. Goats are better foragers, but without hay or feed, they need to roam, and the more time you have to spend shepharding them, which is a very time consuming and exposed activity. Chickens can free range, but in a SHTF scenario, there will be a lot of predators (former two and four legged house occupents, wandering and hungry) to deal with. Which means more guard duty. Roosters are good protectors against some types of predation, but can't fend off dogs or motivated cats, and they are also noisy as hell, advertising the chickens' (and your) location as a food source.

So: Before you start thinking of a hobby farm as a food source, consider the amount of work involved in feeding and protecting those animals. Doesn't mean it can't work. It just comes with obstacles that you need to plan for.

Fish, on the other hand, are a source of QUIET protein. If you live near a legally accessible lake, large pond, river, then you should be good to go; stock up on fishing line and hooks. Nature provides the bait. If you can make a pond and stock it with fish that will reproduce readily (bream, catfish), that's a great way to go. Bonus: If the world doesn't fall apart, you get the benefit of recreational fishing.
This example shows the need for community. I have many cattle farms and chicken houses surrounding me...and plenty of meth heads. When our Dollar General gets cleaned out, those farmers will need well armed and willing folks to guard against the two legged predators in exchange for meat/milk/eggs. And of course we’ll need gardeners and fishermen. I’m right on lake Hartwell but you can only eat so much fish with those mercury levels. You don’t want fish as your main staple from some lakes. We have a small community with one way in and out, about twenty homes, 40 cows and four chicken houses and a lot of guns. We’re all pretty friendly now but it’s going to be a real tight knit community by necessity if the SHTF.
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