Plumbing question for perimeter drains.

Red clay gonna silt it in in 5 or ten years. Try to do it with gutters and ditches if you have the room. Look at the natural water flows in a storm and ditch as much of the water away before it gets close to the cabin
this is what i do for a living.
I rarely travel outside of Suwanee, Johns Creek, Buford and Duluth......

but have no problem giving you advice and showing you what I use.

Thanks I got it done.
Working on my new gutters soon which was a real big reason for
a lot of the gutters.
Thanks I got it done.
Working on my new gutters soon which was a real big reason for
a lot of the gutters.

Ok cool....!
and YES, you are correct. No gutters or more often I see "CLOGGED gutters". They almost always are causing basement leaks. Those big comm'l firms like to quote $20,000 to waterproof a basement. Their idea of waterproofing is a jackhammer in your basement slab and install inside french drains with a sump pump. Allowing water to ENTER your basement walls. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. 9/10 times I can fix the issue from the OUTSIDE by channeling water away and save the homeowner 400-500% of the other guys cost.

AFter your gutters are done, I suggest you bury the downspouts with 4" black corrugated pipe AWAY from the house. Try to dig about 10" deep or so. Make sure to use a grated cap at the end so critters don't get into the pipes.
I use disbursement basins, but that gets a little more involved for a homeowner to do it on their own.
Ok cool....!
and YES, you are correct. No gutters or more often I see "CLOGGED gutters". They almost always are causing basement leaks. Those big comm'l firms like to quote $20,000 to waterproof a basement. Their idea of waterproofing is a jackhammer in your basement slab and install inside french drains with a sump pump. Allowing water to ENTER your basement walls. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh. 9/10 times I can fix the issue from the OUTSIDE by channeling water away and save the homeowner 400-500% of the other guys cost.

AFter your gutters are done, I suggest you bury the downspouts with 4" black corrugated pipe AWAY from the house. Try to dig about 10" deep or so. Make sure to use a grated cap at the end so critters don't get into the pipes.
I use disbursement basins, but that gets a little more involved for a homeowner to do it on their own.

Thanks man.
I appreciate your input.
Yeah I’m no stranger to the basins and I’ve planned on doing the downspouts just like you mentioned.

Yeah those basement commies are just as bad as the pest control guys that drill holes in your foundation walls in order to draw termites INTO your damned walls so they can get killed by the poison bait that’s injected in there.
Then once you quit using the poison and sell the house, the new homeowner can deal with all the termites studs in the walls from the termite scammers.
I’ll bet they all know a “good contractor that can fix all the termite damage.

scam, scam, scam.
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