ODT PC enthusiasts group

I'm a network administrator. Most PC problems can be solved with a trip to the apple store. ;)

Kidding of course..............sorta.
Most of my PCs run Linux but I do have a couple of Win 7 machines. I also have a Mac. They all do what they are supposed to but Unix based OS's (Mac and Linux) blow windows away...software is free and viruses just don't happen.
Most of my PCs run Linux but I do have a couple of Win 7 machines. I also have a Mac. They all do what they are supposed to but Unix based OS's (Mac and Linux) blow windows away...software is free and viruses just don't happen.
Only Microsoft products I allow in my home are my certifications and my kids Xbox, and to be honest I feel dirty having them here. Microsoft really has gone in the crapper. Windows 8 being their biggest pile of **** yet.
Ha I am gonna run 64 bit 7 and red hat linux on my rig I think. Is there a 64 bit linux flavor? I use windows XP I have hated every attempt made past that point but I need a 64 bit os for my ram and 64 but xp sucks
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