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WOW ron paul bot???????? First time hearing that!!!!! Remember tho' a write in for ron paul is the same as a vote for obooboo. Vote conservative and hang in there man!!!!!!!!!!!!

Paulbot is old. I like to call them Paulestinians. I've also heard Ronulans and moRons.
By the way, don't bother trying to reason with them. They're perfectly fine with wasting their votes. Even if it means handing the election to Obama.
Paulbot is old. I like to call them Paulestinians. I've also heard Ronulans and moRons.
By the way, don't bother trying to reason with them. They're perfectly fine with wasting their votes. Even if it means handing the election to Obama.

In my less than mature years, I admit that I wrote in Mickey Mouse at least once. Then I woke up and realized that I really voted for someone that should not have been elected and did not help my party.
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