More groceries, less guns!

What do they do with all these guns? Do they destroy them or do they sell them to states that could put them in police auctions? Do they even do police auctions on firearms?
I'd be willing to bet that the only guns they got back are stolen guys.
In one of the pictures you see a cop throwing an AR into the bin. Who in their right mind would give up a firearm that is currently selling like butter for 1000-2000 for a $200 grocery card? No one.

In principle, if most are stolen, then it's actually good for our safety because it gets stolen guns away from criminals.. However, eventually things would change.
They go to mexican drug cartels.

This is the **** truth. Its another one of the biggest scams ever. Lets take weapons out of the hands of law abiding citizens so we can better arm the gangsters we beg to come into our country to take kill, steal, and destroy the fabric of the rest of society. If we were really worried about "Terrorists" wouldn't we be closing our borders?
I'd be willing to bet that the only guns they got back are stolen guys.
In one of the pictures you see a cop throwing an AR into the bin. Who in their right mind would give up a firearm that is currently selling like butter for 1000-2000 for a $200 grocery card? No one.

In principle, if most are stolen, then it's actually good for our safety because it gets stolen guns away from criminals.. However, eventually things would change.

I would agree to an extent but even a criminal is smarter than this. These people are either 1. so broke this is the only way they can afford groceries (which is unlikely considering most are on EBT) or 2. Liberal scum that really believe the only ones that need weapons are the police and military and really feel they are stopping the next mass shooting.

Either way its sad this being said **** Obama
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