Let’s play the “What is it?” game!

Callahan Full-Bore Auto-Lock

I use to work nights and Serenity would be on the tube while I cooked dinner /breakfast.

My tv only picked up three channels and this show was a hidden gem.

It was cancelled due to a network dispute with the creator"Joss Whedon:sp" over of all things
"Buffy the Vampyre Slayer".
Callahan Full-Bore Auto-Lock

I use to work nights and Serenity would be on the tube while I cooked dinner /breakfast.

My tv only picked up three channels and this show was a hidden gem.

It was cancelled due to a network dispute with the creator"Joss Whedon:sp" over of all things
"Buffy the Vampyre Slayer".

That’s it! It’s a fantasy gun, but I couldn’t resist.

One of my favorite shows. It’s sci-fi for folks that don’t like sci-fi.

You’re up.
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