Immortality at last!

There aren't enough people that care about the Constitution to cause revolution. However, if the government tells people, "We could let you have something that will keep you young forever, but we don't like the idea", the SHTF would happen very quickly. I also think you give WAY to much credit to the government's ability to control the people. Sure, they try their best and have some success, but basically they are bumbling idiots.[/QUOTE} The governments ability to contol you? I hope your kidding? You are controlled from your first breath until your last! All of our freedoms are in freefall and all the people care about is what miley's dumb a** is doing!!! Whose the bumbling idiots????
I have noticed this in a big way lately, my employers and the people I work with seem to believe that the Constitution and infringements upon it are political issues and not stripping of rights issues. The worst part of it is most of the mentioned above claim to be "conservitives". These are bleak and depressing times

Yes, they are. It seems like the whole world is turning into your average Wal-Mart shopper.
I'll pass. Living forever sounds crappy. Plus I'd have to be around all of ya'll forever... ;)

It's not a matter of being forced to live forever. It just gives you the choice of how long you want to live. Oh, and by the way, I wouldn't mind being as healthy as a 20 year old for most of it.
It's not a matter of being forced to live forever. It just gives you the choice of how long you want to live. Oh, and by the way, I wouldn't mind being as health as a 20 year old for most of it.

Very true. It just seems like a lot would come up between the family and the pressures would force one into it. I would be up for making it to around 80 with the my current age health though.
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