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Hunker down or come together?


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The Hen that laid the Golden Legos
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Jun 29, 2010
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I'm just starting to consider options and possibilities. One of my first thoughts is if it does hit the fan would it be smarter to hunker down and try to survive in relative solitude or for some like-minded folks to form the nucleus of a community for mutual support and protection.

My second thought is where? I live near a large lake with good game nearby but I'm downstream of Atlanta which makes my water source questionable. Would it be better to live in a secluded area, boiling water and cooking over open fires or basically migrate to a small town with the infrastructure to maintain a community and rebuild it as a working community. ie, I am a water plant operator, if I had power, raw water and chemicals I could provide the expertise to runa small plant and supply a decent sized community. With people capable of providing the power and other needs we could re-create anything that the "grid" lost.

I'd really be interested in thoughts along these lines.
My thoughts are community. Not necessarily finding a small town but creating one. I have several like-minded friends who are spread out enough that one of us should have room for everyone depending on what happens where. we all have our contributions. some by expertise and some by providing goods and services.
I don't think one could ever 'hunker down' and keep the others from taking what you have stored for their own use. A group would be much more secure and sustainable.
Group definitely better. Just wish I knew enough people to have a group. Only one friend with same mindset everybody else I know think it's dumb to prepare or won't stick to it
I believe group would be better also, I think hbrad3 is probably correct that we would be creating new communities. We will definitely have those that will band together to take from those that have "hunkerd down". Problem is that we do not stand together now, maybe a crisis is what it would take for all of us to come together again. I know there are natural leaders in every group, problem is every group has that person that thinks they have to control or has that greed that would create the problems that created this problem we have now.(could we just hang them, save a bullet for food or defense). We have become so dependent on technology that my concern is going to be communicating to form these communities. I hope the group my family could gather with would be folks that have the goal to sustain and maintain. I have mechanical skills, farming skills and hunting skills that could help the group. My prayers would be that God be with us.
Anything that is done needs to be in place now. I am moving up to the west side of atl. I'll be in your neck of the woods reds in another 30 days.
I think that a "Hunker down" situation would be temporary. Just to get your bearings of what's going on and what direction you should go. I know that a rash decision will get you trouble every time. After you decide your next move I feel it much better to group together with like minded people, not just some group that you find. That would get you a situation like Offroad is talking about without some sort of rank structure (there can only be one alfa dog and the standard American can't get that).

If you use this type of exit strategy you should know or have options of where you are going and stock supplies on the way so you don't have to load up a ride before you go.

I like the idea of knowing who your core group is before you need them and have those people scattered in different regions so you have the option of different locations depending on how "hot" an area is. I also know the the powers to be will be looking for a sudden increase of population in a rural area or farm. This will be one of the first areas taken out by our leaders as they are seen as a threat to power (this is a fact and is being talked about and planned for now). If you do find a group of people that bring different talents to your group and a location you should have a plan to get to you location and not just all of the sudden show up all at once.

keep in mind that if this ever happens there will be a power struggle and any " threat" will be dealt with very quickly, even if your plan is to just sit everything out and be left alone.

My two cents, for what it's worth
I think it depends on the type of situation. If it's a natural disaster, hunkering down may be the best option. But a scenario that includes a complete breakdown of society (nukes or biological agents popped) then a group is almost a necessity to survive.
And the extremely valid point has already been made that these plans need to be in place NOW. Trying to do this after the feces hits the oscillator will be tough....
I'm too lazy to express in detail how I feel about this at the moment so I'm going to quote some of my other posts related to the subject. In short.....any SHTF scenario lasting longer than a week or two will require the help of many.

So much for the short answer.

Depends on the scenario. There's a good possibility that all of the crap will not hit the fan all at once. More like a turd at a time to begin with and as days go by it'll escalate into handfuls and then to bucketfuls of crap being thrown into the fan.....i.e. collapse in government, financial collapse or a mass blackout or something of the sort.

I live out in the country fortunately away from any main roads. I've already met with many of my neighbors and have made some arrangements in case of such an event. We've inventoried our resources...i.e, land, position, equipment (tractors, plows, generators, fuel, etc) firearms, ammo, readily available food and non electric water producing methods. We've also discussed strategic points at which to block off road travel to prevent unwanted guests.

Individually my cache isnt that impressive, but collectively we are in pretty good shape. . I do need to build my ammo reserve back up though.

Things I need to work on: Water storage, food storage, fuel storage and solar power to supplement and replace fuel dependent devices and build up ammo cache.


That's why I think it's important to try and get to know your neighbors. Invite some of them to a cook out or something. If you think your neighbors are not the kind of folks you could get to know or trust then don't. Best you could hope for in a SHTF scenario that doesn't last more than 2 or 3 weeks. If you thought it might drag on longer than that I would have a plan in place to go and group up with family or friends who live in a more rural setting.

Chances are it wont come to such an event anytime soon, but who knows. If there is a total break down in our nation you can bet things will go from bad to worse in short order......starting in more densely populated areas, cities, metropolitan areas, suburbs, and then once all of the resources have been exhausted there will be an exodus of desperate people moving from out from these cities in search of the basic elements needed to live. The shear number of people will be staggering. These people will have nothing to lose and everything to gain, laws will not matter anymore and the only way to survive will be in large groups working together and pooling your resources.

I know, crazy talk.........but crap happens. If you dont believe me read the history books. Empires rise and fall, so will this one.

EDIT: BTW, there are several neighbors in the several mile radius we've talked about blocking off that have not been brought into this plan for different reasons. Many would think I was a freakin' lunatic paranoid weirdo. Several are sorry ass people who I have no intention of discussing any of this info with. I dont live in Mayberry and not everyone is trustworthy.

The neighbors I have talked with are like minded people I've come to know through my years of dealing with guns and what not. That's the best way of meeting people who will be on the same page with you, immerse yourself into this lifestyle by hanging out at gun stores, gun show, shooting clubs, shooting ranges, forums such as these and training classes when possible. Before you know it you'll have connections and a posse to be reckoned with!

I've got a few that would have to be kicked out of the "compound" for the good of the group. We would do our best to mirror our constitution on a small scale to ensure fairness such as majority votes and appointed committees that would oversee different aspects of daily living. Committees would represent things like; agriculture, medical, education, security, building and planning, etc. So if someone wasn't pulling their weight and refused to get with the program which in turned compromised the safety and security of the group, the committee would vote on whether to keep em' or send em' packing. Definitely some hard choices would have to be made, but were talking survival.
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