How to drive in atlanta….


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Dec 7, 2020
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1. You must first learn to pronounce the city name, Atlana. Old-timers are still allowed to call it Alana.

2. The morning rush hour is from 5:00 am to noon. The evening rush hour is from noon to 7:00 pm. Friday's rush hour starts on Thursday morning.

3. The minimum acceptable speed on I-285 is 80 mph. On I-75 and I-85, your speed is expected to at least match the highway number. Anything less is considered 'Wussy'.

4. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Atlanta has its own version of traffic rules. For example, Ferraris and Lamborghinis owned by sports stars go first at a four-way stop. Cars/trucks with the loudest muffler go second. The trucks with the biggest tires go third. The HOV lanes are really designed just for the slow Floridians passing through who are used to hogging the left lane everywhere.

5. If you actually stop at a yellow light or stop sign, you will be rear ended, cussed out, and possibly shot. Unless there is a police car nearby.

6. Never honk at anyone. Ever. Seriously. It's another offense that can get you shot.

7. Road construction is permanent and continuous. Detour barrels are moved around for your entertainment pleasure during the middle of the night to make the next day's driving a bit more exciting. Generally, city roads other than the main streets have more potholes and bumps (usually speed bumps) than most dirt roads in the countryside.

8. Watch carefully for road hazards such as drunks, possums, skunks, dogs, barrels, cones, furniture, cats, mattresses, shredded tires, ladders, squirrels, rabbits, and crows.

9. Be aware that spelling of street names may change from block to block, e.g., Clairmont, Claremont, Clairmonte.

10. If someone actually has their turn signal on, wave them to the shoulder immediately to let them know it has been “accidentally activated”.

11. If you are in the left lane and only driving 75 in a 55-65 mph zone, k, e.g., you are considered a road hazard and will be “flipped off” accordingly. If you return the flip, you'll be shot.

12. For summer driving, it is advisable to wear potholders on your hands.
F*** 285, I get off 495 at Forsyth and drive through the backcountry road to my sons house in Winder.
When I used to take 285 before I got off of 495 I would lite a cigarette tighten my seatbelt and punch it, never looked at the speedometer and just keep up with the traffic. White knuckle time.
I see how the folks drive from GA here in the Keys. Left blinker on turn RT, stop in the middle of the 7 mile bridge to take a picture, left lane huggers and drive 10mph under the speed limit so they don't miss a t-shirt junk shop.
F*** 285, I get off 495 at Forsyth and drive through the backcountry road to my sons house in Winder.
When I used to take 285 before I got off of 495 I would lite a cigarette tighten my seatbelt and punch it, never looked at the speedometer and just keep up with the traffic. White knuckle time.
Gotta have nerves of steel to run 285 sometimes.
4 lanes, bumper-to-bumper at 85 mph….in the rain.
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