how long does food really last?

A few years ago I saw a documentary on canned foods and the canning process. According to this show, as long as the can does not have any seams that open or have any creases or holes in the can; canned food should never go bad. To prove this point, they showed a man eat a can of meat processed sometime in the late 1800s. A) I didn't know they canned meat in the 1800s and B) they did not go back a few days and talk to the man eating 100+ year old meat to show that he was still alive, but that is what the show "claimed". Not sure that I believe all this, but if times do get hard I guess we may all have to find out if it is true?

Pretty much nailed it. I am eating Peter Pan peanut butter right now that expired two years ago.(Not recall product) It tastes like...well peanut butter.

The stuff won't go bad if it was processed correctly to begin with. It will however lose texture, and minerals to some extent over the years. Some products don't even have and expiration date, I have a few canned hams without a date on them at all.
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