Hey hey you guys

I am the personification of Murphy's law. If it can happen to somebody it will happen to me been that way for 43 years. I love every minute of it. I am not much of a planner because I had rather get in the middle of nowhere have something happen and be forced to figure it out. I have an insatiable appetite for adventure and a love for all thing outdoors.
My dominating motivation in life is my relationship with Jesus Christ, I unashamedly proclaim it as often as I can. He has radically transformed my life and family trajectory.
My second motivation is my family. My wife and I have been married for going on 22 years and she is truly me best friend, even if she doesn't hunt and fish.
My son and I have been on every kind of adventure imaginable that a dirt cheap redneck can afford and a few times we have escaped death by a hair.
I look forward to sharing my adventures and misadventures, gaining some good insight on hunting and fishing tips, and just generally goofing off.
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