Health Care summed up in one sentence by a very smart doctor!! You cant make this up

Love this. Hope it hits Fox News.

If you have about 12 minutes check out the long version of her speech. Fantastic.

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Whoever she is for President! :lol:

Apparently she is and has been a busy woman. She is currently a candidate for the Illinois State Senate.

She has a:

B. A. in psychology;
B. S. in biology;
B .H. S. as a Physicians Assistant;
Law Degree;
Masters Degree in Bioethics and Healthy Policy;
And is working on a Masters Degree in Public Health.

She is a Doctor, an attorney, a US Army veteran(a Major) and was a Benedictine Nun for 5 years.

She'd certainly make a fantastic nominee for either Surgeon General or to replace Kathleen Sebelious as Secretary of Health and Human (dis)Services.
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