Hard to believe…

I remember making long distance calls and the operator getting on the line and asking what my telephone number was, so they could bill the call to us. We used to always give a number that was 1 digit off from ours and never got charged for it. I wonder how many of those others had to pay for or if they denied making them and got them removed?
in my office. not rotary old but still... this is in my office/lab and of course no longer works..
My dad had a friend in Florida...they worked out a plan where one would call the other using a fake name, the receiver of the call, and anyone in the house knew to say "he's not here", then they would call back...that saved the the extra fee of the old "person to person" call
We had one one the wall in the middle of the house. My in laws had a supper long cord. We even have an old telephone chair. Remember when they used to charge extra for more than one phone in the house? Remember Ma Bell? Sarah get me so and so.........And last, but not least BR549.........Seems I may have an old rotary dial around somewhere
My brother and I learned how to disconnect a wire in the outlet for an "extra free phone", the phone would not ring and Ma Bell would not know.
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