Gun Shows near Atlanta/ Which one?

The gun shows I've seen have gotten very "flea market" type. They aren't what they used to be. I use them know to go look at different guns to handle so I can try and buy one on the ODT. I look at them as a huge gun shop where I never plan on buying anything. Sometimes you can find good prices on a bug out bag or something for my camping gear.
I would just buy a gun on here or go to Cherokee Pawn, DSS, or just about any dealer. I'd bet just about any dealer will match a price on a Glock if they can verify it. All you have to do is ask!
What??? Really??? Last year it was eight bucks...

That was for the National Arms Show = 2000 tables. The Lawrenceville show this weekend is more like 300 tables. I expect the door fee to be less.

I have gotten some pretty cool stuff at gun shows. Never a gun, but some other cool stuff. I'd never get to that many vendors without the show and I'd spend more than $8 in gas getting to them if I did. I'm ok with the door fee.
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