Gun show

I ain't going.

I don't want to pay to get shoved around by a bunch of frothing zombies....

I stopped going to mosh pits quite a few years back.
My nephew called and said he went to one in Tennessee the other day. Said it wasn't fun at all, had to keep moving with wall to wall people. No stopping and looking or you just got pushed .....also said stripped lowers were on display for $850.00
Honestly I stopped going to any gun shows years ago. Even before this panic it was full of overpriced everything. The last one I went to I was by a guy looking to stock up on some ammo. I had just been to Academy and seen ammo prices there and they're were significantly cheaper than the gun show prices. I convinced the guy to drop his stuff and buy it at Academy. Guns, ammo, accessories, knives, and holsters were all overpriced too and that was years ago. I can't imagine how bad they'll be now. It was a waste of time and money to get in.
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