was gonna wait for the PC version.....but i may have to get it for my ps3 after i check out some gameplay footage on youtube.

Max payne combat
A map larger than red dead redemption
3 players in campaign
Multi player and multi player heist style missions(ohh god game theory and prisoner dilemma gasm)
There is literally a phone ap for it.
The official iFruit app has been released by Rockstar.
Customise cars and receive them in-game, train chop, access Lifeinvader and the Social Club amongst other things.
iOS (iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch)
I've already told my wife I'm nerding out in front of the tv all day tomorrow

You need to prepare more You've obviously underestimated how this will effect your life.

I know its frustrating ladies and gentleman being so close to having that precious shrink wrapped little bundle of joy in your arms and crying to be put in your console. But take advantage of this time to prepare. Here are my tips to ensure all aspects of your life are in the perfect state of readiness before you push <start> and sink into the GTAV quicksand:

Fully charge your wireless controller. Fully charge your standby wireless controller. Fully charge your standby to the standby wireless controller. Consider buying another controller just in case. Consider buying another console just in case.

Clean the dust off your television screen to ensure maximum crisp definition. You want to be able to see the dust in the GTA world.

Have a pair of scissors sitting on top of your console. Shrink wrap rage is a real condition and not to be taken lightly.

Growl at anyone who comes near the couch to claim ownership early. This will be your seat, bed, meal table, sexual activity base and occasional toilet for the next two months.

Clean your house/apartment/dorm room &#8211; Yes its a drag but you need your abode to be in a good starting place so the rats don’t completely get the upper hand after two months of total neglect.

Stock the refrigerator and panty according to the below approach:

Healthy: Rice cakes, fruit, frozen casserole

Unhealthy: Beer, Extra cheese Doritos, canned soup

Student: 3 minute noodles, no brand double caffeine cola, bong

Pull out all stops for your significant other in a night of pure sexual fireworks (yes gentleman, this means substantial foreplay). You need to get them humming to tide them over for at least two weeks. Pathetic singles, you might as well save yourself for the strip clubs/prostitutes in game - don’t judge us! (plus you will save your wrist for the controller)

Ensure elderly members of your family are aware you are playing a video game so they are not unduly alarmed when they call and you yell back “I can’t talk Grandma&#8230;.I’m about to launch a rocket up the ass of the selfish Nun that bumped me on the sidewalk. WHERES YOUR GOD NOW?!”

Pet owners, consider getting an automatic food dispenser. When you’re lost in the wonderland of the underwater environment and the dog begins to chew on your leg out of desperate hunger, you’ll probably think “meh it’s only the left one &#8211; eat up fido &#8211; now where the hell is that shark?”

Have several empty 2 litre bottles at hand &#8211; in the heat of battle, the toilet that is just down the hall might as well as be on the other side of the world.

Have the following phone numbers on speed dial: pizza shop, game addiction hotline, wrist medical specialist, console repair shop, your mate who has the good gear, suicide hotline (in case your save file gets corrupted)
Hahahaha. I'm half way there.

Controller is charged, various snack foods are in the fridge and pantry, beer/coffee/mountain dew is stocked, house is clean and yard is mowed.

I jacked up my ankle at work Saturday so I've been layer up for the last couple days so my wife can't harp at me for not getting more done.
Will be waiting for the PC version... can't stand consoles with their crappy graphics and controllers. It's AMD and WASD for me.
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