Fitness Past 50


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Sep 15, 2016
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Gainesville, GA USA!
I am over 50 and a late stage cancer survivor. God blessed me and I have had no signs of cancer for the last two years.

Now, I am am intent on getting fit again, Before I was in pretty good shape for a man in his l50's. 120 push-ups and over 200 sit-ups. I also think that going into it the whole cancer ordeal being pretty fit helped! But I have seen it gobble up better men than me, as I said, God is good!

Now I am trying to get back to 100 push-ups and am up to 54. Plus, I am planking for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I have not been cleared for sit-ups, yet. I am also going to starting riding the bike again this summer. I was doing 35 miles a morning, 3 years, and pre-cancer, ago.

So, am I the only geezer trying to fight off the ravages of age? What are you doing?
Not quite 50 but I've been working out at an above average level for most of the last 35 years. Started out for football in high school, went into bodybuilding then powerlifting. The last couple years have been a struggle sometimes due to some nagging pains as well as some life shifts but I've still been able to maintain a good degree of my training. Lately I've been giving more serious consideration to overall "fitness" rather than strictly strength but it's been mentally difficult to change something that's basically been part of who I am for most of my life! lol I still intend to maintain a good bit of strength but I need to figure out something that improves muscle endurance (not necessarily cardio) and overall strength/conditioning that doesn't necessarily involve just pushing weight around in the gym. So far I've just been adjusting my workouts to have more reps with less weight more consistently and occasional heavy days as well as some different exercises more designed towards endurance and overall body work. Trying to maintain as much speed and strength as I can for as long as I can! Still doing the Big 3-Squat/Bench/Deadlift-or some variation of it, as well as some overhead pressing, curls, dips etc. Front squats have been more of a focus lately as they kill my lower abs and blast my quads as well as hitting some short cardio. Awesome to hear about you overcoming cancer! God is truly Good. Keep on improving!
I'm 61 and trying to maintain, but when you get older you have to be careful about injuries. They happen easier and take longer to recover from. Both of my ankles are screwed from abuse when I was younger, so I have to avoid high impact exercises. The knees are a little iffy, too. So no running. That really sucks, because that was my preferred method for cardio. It's not that I can't run, it's that if I run on a regular basis I end up in a lot of pain and then I can't run at all. My solution is hiking with a heavy pack. I still get the cardio, but it takes longer.

For strength I lift. I have to work around a torn rotater in my left shoulder, but it's not too bad and if I use good technique it's not a real problem.

I also use a specific supplement that has made a tremendous difference in my overall health. At first glance most people scoff at the claims the manufacturer makes, but it's the only anti-aging supplement that I think is legit. It's the results of research done by dozens of labs across the world and there are four Nobel Laureates on the company's Board of Directors.
Dr. Leonard Guarente is an Elysium Health Co-Founder, Chief Scientist, and Director of the Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging Research at MIT. In other words, these folks are the real deal.

It takes time to see results, but those results are so obvious to those around me that now both of my adult daughters and wife take the same supplement and I didn't talk them into it. They chose to because of the difference they have seen in me.
So, am I the only geezer trying to fight off the ravages of age? What are you doing?
you've been through a lot for 50 but I would hardly call you a geezer. I haven't suffered like you but I still power lift and while injuries take longer to heal, if they do at all, I still go to the gym daily. however, I find myself needing to do cardio for health purposes IE: blood pressure, cholesterol and reduced body fat. other than that I still feel as if I am in better shape than most in their 30s.
if you’re gonna do push ups and planks you’d better work out your “pull” muscles in your back shoulders and arms also or you might get all out of whack and injured. like I did.
if you’re gonna do push ups and planks you’d better work out your “pull” muscles in your back shoulders and arms also or you might get all out of whack and injured. like I did.
I have self-limited my plank to 3 minutes. I am at 66 push-up now and starting with free weights again. i am going to be back on my bike, God willing, this Spring.
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