Dublin Ireland

I have zero affinity for redheads. They're batshyte crazy. How do I know? My mother, brother and sister are redheads.

I’ve got almost the same situation; mother & brother. Plus a couple uncles, and all three of my brother’s kids. We’ve got a lot of Irish in our blood.

And Viking. How’s that for a combination?

I love me a redhead. Crazy is this old grey headed fart that I am. Their kinda crazy just don't compare.
Supposedly the pigmentation in their skin that causes them not to tan also allows them to tolerate pain Better than the rest of the populace. Just For future reference.

There is some scientific evidence that shows the opposite: some people of scandinavian origin, especially red-heads, have a mutation of the mu-receptors that seem to prevent opioids from binding. Thus the old adage of red heads needing more pain killers is, in fact, true.

Also, someone I work with just told me a month ago about the great "ginger" meets held around the world. Her daughter felt "compelled" to go hang out with thousands of "her people", i.e. red heads. We are such a tribal people. ODT is my tribe.
I've had 2 red head girlfriends when I was a younger man. One was very cool, SUPER HOT and VERY voluptuous and the other was a nasty little skank that made bad choices and last I heard has missing teeth and 4 kids from 13 different suspects in the ghetto
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