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Thank you everyone for your contributions and well wishes. I'll type more details later, but I just came from the vets office and they have a few different routes we can take to help our ferret, but they are all pricey and ideally, would be best if we can do all of them, but realistically we probably can't. We got his blood and xrays done which was nearly $400, now he is on antibiotics, he may need daily steroids soon too. Additionally, before the $1,200 surgery to remove his spleen, they want to do $700 worth of ultrasounds and other testing to see if this is a lymphoma cancer, just a spleen issue, or if he has some other type of cancer I can't pronounce, let alone spell, of which if that is the case, surgery is only going to be putting him through a lot of pain and he may not make it anyways. It's really long and complicated (and I am by no means an animal or medical expert, so sorry if my explaining lacks professionalism or any doesn't quite make sense) so it makes this hard. Ideally, we would prefer to do the $700 ultrasound and further testing first to see if it is something that they COULD fix with surgery (vs just removing part of the problem, but not curing him).....additionally if it is this other type of cancer, they would rather do chemo and send us to an oncologist, but then there are other huge price tags that come with that. We can skip the ultrasound and just do the surgery somewhat blinded to what it is, but it may end up being more invasive than what is necessary. What is best would be the ultrasound stuff first and surgery and possible chemo second, but we are talking about a few grand in medical bills. We will be updating everyone to let you know what route we take, but for now one thing is for sure, we definitely still need help getting our finances in order to make any sort of treatment for our little guy possible. PLEASE share our link (http://www.gofundme.com/ferretsurgeryfund) with your friends, family and on your social media accounts. Every little bit of support helps. We appreciate it more than you could possibly know. Thank you so so much. More updates to come....
And again... Good luck. That bucket of .22 is still up for grabs, donate $75 and it's yours! (I paid $75 for it, I just cannot ship or deliver in person until I get back into town late next week).

And while we are on the subject of pets, check this out:

That should bring a smile.
So I wanted to give everyone an update since I've had some people asking how our furbaby has been lately since the last updates.....so we took Lad-y to our local vet and had an exam with xrays and blood work done, as well as getting Lad-y on an oral twice a day antibiotic (xrays/blood/meds/visit already costs us ~$520). The x-rays confirmed a very enlarged spleen and the blood work showed elevated white blood cell count. So we took him to another vet that has more background when it comes to working with exotic animals such as ferrets. This doctor went over Lad-y's x-rays and blood work and found that in addition to the other findings that he also has touch of anemia (iron deficiency) and a low count for a particular protein the liver makes (possible beginnings of liver failure, but could just be a sign of fighting off whatever he has going on). The visit to the new doctor with no further tests was another $75 + the new food we have him on, which was $17 and will last about 2 weeks (so about $35/month for animal food) . We are supposed to get an ultrasound (hopefully) tomorrow (we are on-call if another ultrasound appointment goes through since it is a traveling doctor that conducts them) or later this week. They are also going to do an small needle aspiration and spleen biopsy with diagnostics, as well as trying to take more blood then too, so we can get a better idea of what is wrong with him and how to go about treating it. All of these tests (minus blood work which will cost additional upwards of $100 or more) will run about another ~$500+.Our doctors have told us that it may be the case that surgery MAY be too invasive for him and may do more harm to him than good....and that unless their is a tumor/growths (of which they would do surgery, another whopping $1,200) that we may need to start him on other forms of treatment possibly including, but not limited to: chemo, medicine, steroids, and other therapies. Regardless of what healing options we take, he will most likely end up being on a steroid indefinitely, like our little Ozzy is. (~$20/month). We are hoping to find an answer soon and will be updating you guys along the way. Thank you for your continued support and positive thinking.
Well today is the big day! We take "bug" in to get an ultrasound this morning with a needle aspiration biopsy of his spleen and hopefully some more blood work that will be more accurate (often when they give sedative meds to chill the fuzzies out as they take blood, it can make them falsely show signs of a reactive protein or something[?] that normally would show up on the test, but last time he was too fussy to sit still long enough to have blood drawn on his little back foot vein)...... these procedures will hopefully let us know what is going on and give us a good idea of how to treat our little furbuddy. Keep your fingers crossed we can find an easy, reliable and safe treatment for our furbaby!
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