Dead Air Mask hd

Sweet deal. Love my Dead Air Mask on my 22/45 MK IV, Browning T-Bolt and Savage FVSR. the round makes more noise when it hits a can or squirrel than it does when I pull the trigger.

Another big plus is that they are made in Lawrenceville and when I spoke to them before I bought they were real nice folks.

You will not be sorry!!!!
I like Dobb's Defense's ARC 22 a lot for just 22 lr stuff, lightweight, no 1st round pop, and several hundred less than the Dead Air. Dead Air is still a nice can, just saved my money......

Check out DA's Odessa 9, can run it short, mid length, or long.
I have an Octane 45 VERY quiet ! Been thinking on an Osprey 9 just haven’t pulled the trigger. Now I’m gonna get something for $800 and an Osprey ! This is to good to pass up !
So what's the deal, but one of their other surpressors for 800 and they throw in the octane?
Not sure. Trying to figuire it all out. I may have misspoke. The way it reads is a serialized number purchase of $800 qualifies you for a free Octane 45/9. Check the link that was put up
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