Clash of Clans

Good lord.. I have too much to do to upgrade my TH to 5.. or is that 6... I don't even remember but I've got too much crap to upgrade before I can do my TH :lol:
I suck at it but I'll join if someone can tell me what to do.

Tell us here what your name is in game, then in the game do a clan search for POAR, there are two, we are the one that is invite only. Send a request to join and in the request type your username here and say that you're from ODT.. When one of the founders of the clan logs on they will accept your join request
I suck at it but I'll join if someone can tell me what to do.

I just joined not too long ago and its not too hard. LOTS of info out there on different base layouts and you can practice attacks against the computer. Compared to another game like this I've played COC is very forgiving for newbs.
Looks like the ODT clan is going through some rough times. If anyone wants to join the clan I'm in let me know. We're a level 4, we would like to keep donations in line with what POAR has and we war CONSTANTLY. Let me know if you're interested.
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