Cigarette long term storage.

Ok... after watching a handful of videos on cultivating tobacco it seems relatively simple as Omega Omega pointed out.
The seeds are inexpensive and I'm actually surprised that more smokers just don't grow their own rather than pay the exorbitant price and the government rape rate of the store bought stuff.
I'm certainly not encouraging anyone to smoke because it took a very long time for me to kick the habit but if you do you could save yourself a small fortune and having the ability to grow your own could be a handy skill on down the road.
not very profitable if everyone can grow it and it grows like kudzu down here
I know a guy out west who owns and runs a decent sized pot farm.
The market out there is oversaturated and the prices are way down so he's converting a lot of his farm to eucalyptus.
Apparently there's an insatiable demand for that crop. It's used in a large number of mainstream and herbal medicines as well as for numerous other things.
It used to be a big import item but we know what happened there so they're ramping up production on the left coast.
Bulk bags of tobacco and rolling papers is the way. Or pre-made tubes and a hand crank cigarette machine. That's how I make mine these days. I can make 3 cartons for 25 bucks and they taste better than anything store bought.
Damn, I forgot about those rolling machines. Haven't seen one of those in 50 years.
I had to quit smoking because I could no longer breathe. Maybe covid was the best thing to happen to me because that and a smoking combo kicked my ass.
Happy to hear that you finally kicked the habit...sorry to hear that it took the plandemic to do it.
I need to quit. It’s mostly from boredom for me. I can’t go very much anymore so mostly I just sit and watch tv.
I did smoke a fair amount before though too, so heck….it’s all relative I guess.
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