Can’t make this stuff up...Trespasser busted.

Hide in a ghilly suit with a paintball gun and light him up when he comes back. All the colors of the rainbow. That can't be a charge right? If he still comes back put those paintballs in the freezer. Escalate how covered up he gets till he gets the point. Or just get a camera that records offsite and call the cops everytime he trespasses. Start putting up pictures of him trespassing and stealing next to every mailbox around you. In the closest town put up the pictures everywhere. Make so he can't walk 5 feet without be recognized as "that guy".

Do this, people only get bolder when they arent punished
LT Dangle?
Homosexuality is a mental illness and no matter how hard they try to normalize it just is.
Every gay person I've ever met regardless of the fact that they could be the nicest in the world and seemingly well adjusted has some other mental issues besides just the homosexuality.
Chemical imbalance or crossed electrical wiring they all have a faulty thought process.
Years ago mental illness was treated and now it's celebrated.
30 years ago I wouldn’t have warned him to walk away I would have just beat his ass soundly.
I’m becoming too wise in my old age....would prefer to lay down an azzwhoopin though.
You have more self-control than I would've had. I would've beat his ass then called the law. Since you had trail cam pics of him trespassing before you would have been fine.
As much as an ass beating is warranted I would go to jail for assault.
Can’t do that...too many depending on me.

Every neighbor is aware and l printed out pics for all to see.

Investigator told me he was going to act quickly and have him trespassed at least which means only a warning.
Next time he goes to jail.

Unless he’s caught with my property then he goes to jail now.
He also told me he’s going to speak with other neighbors and see if they had things missing as well and build a case.

We shall see.

I remember this kid from last year.
He was standing on the one lane bridge when I came down the road , stopped me and asked for a lighter and began looking in my jeep through the window.
I told him to back up and move out da way.
Said I don’t smoke and have a nice day.

Two hours later in my way out he was standing in the same bridge.
He had a backpack and a small dog.
He stood in the middle of the bridge then came to my window.
Had my pistol in my hand at this point.
He asked if I could have a ride to town and looked in my window again.
I said “I’m not going that way and I don’t give rides to strangers.....have a nice day.”

The dude definitely has a strange Jeffrey Dahmer demeanor about him.

Creepy as hell.

I told the investigator this as well.
Is it legal to put a few bear traps around on your property? I mean if you're trapping those large cats or predators and he stumbles upon a rather large bear trap, its not your fault. He shouldn't be trespassing, and with a broken or sheared off leg he won't be inclined to go back to your property.
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