Aquaponics, anyone here got one ?

My wife has 5 aquariums and I built a koi pond in the backyard. She's killing me with all these fish. I think we have 3 aquariums that are not being used. Takes up too much room.
I can't believe I read this whole thread and have no idea what you are talking about.....Australian fish in the backyard with solar powered pumps for cold water????
n to Google.

The term aquaponics is a portmanteau of the terms aquaculture and hydroponic. I read up on this and it is really very interesting.
Taliapia would be my choice.
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My wife has 5 aquariums and I built a koi pond in the backyard. She's killing me with all these fish. I think we have 3 aquariums that are not being used. Takes up too much room.

I have 3 up and running, 2 setting...What size tanks you got you are not using? Shoot me a pm if you have any you might part with
or and pumps, filters you wanna part with.
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