another Sons of Guns rant!

i have shot a 50 de , my ? is did your 11 year old 65 pound son hit what he was aiming at? the grip on the DE is a bit short for such a big gun , it's hard for me to hit any thing with one and after about 2 mags thru it i was done , that gun is worthless , it's just for the ****s and giggles ,

He was close enough...he sure didn't jerk the muzzle down 2 inches and close his eyes before shooting after going on tv trying to prove how much of a "skilled" shooter he was...that was my only point. My DE is .44mag...and it kicks a lot less than a .44mag revolver.

Totally agree - the gun is an exercise in ridiculous...
Just like the Taurus Judge.

have to disagree with that. the judge was a pretty cool innovation if u ask me. great home defense gun, and if u get the longer barreled one there super fun shooting skeet with. cant be that ridiculous if s&w thought it was worth them copying and coming out with their own version. pretty fun gun to me. but then again thats just my own opinion.
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