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Another Police shooting..

I remember when I lived in KS a cop stopped a van for speeding. He walked up to the drivers window and took a 12 guage to the face. That was 25 years ago and it really opened my eyes to things.

Fast forward to about 5:50

[video]http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0S00MzXQW9QfTYAPrX7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTBrc3 VyamVwBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQD?p=sovereign+cit izen+shooting&vid=09B41A4B944BF73DB79909B41A4B944BF73DB799&l=&turl=http%3A%2F%2Fts1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DV.47 56698506919960%26pid%3D15.1&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D-YjwlLLmW6Y&tit=Raw+Video+of+West+Memphis+Shooting+Arkansas+Te nnessee&c=17&sigr=11acifc75&fr=yfp-t-701&tt=b[/video]
No doubt that they are in risk every day. They should be well paid for the work they do, but they are not.
And another police officer shot:






and on and on...

Nobody with any sense excuses it when a cop shoots someone who doesn't earn it but starting threads pointing fingers at cops every time something happens seems kinda one sided dontcha think? I mean, do we all hate cops and need to crucify them all whenever one acts badly? Or can we just agree that there are bad apples in every bushel and maybe put the shoe on the other foot long enough to stop sniping ALL cops when ONE messes up?

Nothing Against Police. But just ask yourself if it where your son, daughter, brother, friend or one armed one legged twin would it me "mess up" or would they have been murdered in cold blood? Ahhh made you think... I think it's because a mess up is when you lock your keys in your car. When anyone uses deadly force it's more than a mistake and you shouldn't get away with it because you have a badge if you'd put civilian in jail for the same thing.
The F'd up thing about the NYC shooting that National guardsmen with the off duty officer in the backseat, is that the other people in the car said it was road rage and the cop was following them, yelling from his care, and flicking them off before pulling them over.
Cops do a job I wouldn't do. They deal with a lot. That said, I've been wronged by more than right. I don't trust a cop. The kid that got beat up growing up put a badge on to get some power. :usa:
You cop hating douchebags need to call a crackhead next time someone breaks in your house or have a wreck. A**wipes like you make a lot of people really get tired of this site
You cop hating douchebags need to call a crackhead next time someone breaks in your house or have a wreck. A**wipes like you make a lot of people really get tired of this site

This is possibly the least intelligent post I have read today. You have violated ODT rules twice in two sentences. Congratulations :thumb:.

Do you know why none of the LEOs on this site have defended the shooter? You can't defend shooting someone over road rage. You have been on this site for like 5 minutes and if you are already tired? Bu-bye.
This is possibly the least intelligent post I have read today. You have violated ODT rules twice in two sentences. Congratulations :thumb:.

Do you know why none of the LEOs on this site have defended the shooter? You can't defend shooting someone over road rage. You have been on this site for like 5 minutes and if you are already tired? Bu-bye.
This is possibly the least intelligent post I have read today. You have violated ODT rules twice in two sentences. Congratulations :thumb:.

Do you know why none of the LEOs on this site have defended the shooter? You can't defend shooting someone over road rage. You have been on this site for like 5 minutes and if you are already tired? Bu-bye.


I deal with crack heads everyday. There is never a cop around. They are probably off in a white neighborhood writing tickets for window tint. I carry to protect myself. Period. I have food, water, and ammo. I don't need the police for shiat. If I am hurt I call the fire department. I also take food and beer to the department close to my house.
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