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Advice for a young’n

Avoid debt. Some things you either do them in your youth or you don't do them; so if you are interested in college or the military, now's probably the time. People have mentioned hobbies and I think all you have to do is see someone retire who has zero hobbies to realize how wise that is.
I’m 23 years young, what’s the best advice you could give yourself if you were my age ?A little about myself,I pay my own bills , I have my own things , I don’t rely on my parents for anything, im a tradesman (plumber) since 19 , didn’t go to college preferred to work with my hands and learn.
I’ve been rather lost as of late , it feels like I should be better off in life , I just need advice on life really, nothing specific just things only age can teach you.Thanks!
Join the military. Put me in the right place. I joined after college at 22. Best decision I ever made.
Join the service with a good rate and retire in 20yrs. Then get a government job and retire from that. Then become a contractor and retire from that. Should make you a triple dipper drawing at least 3 retirement checks just going to the mailbox.
There are some excellent well thought out suggestions by the responders here.

Seek God. Put him center in your life. Make serving him your priority and everything else will work itself out.
"In pursuit of money, people sell the hours and the days of their life, which are the only true wealth they will ever have. They sell the beauty, the sunshine, the dawn and the dusk, the moon and the stars, the wind and the rain, the green fields and the flowers, the rivers and the sweet fresh air. They sell their health, joy, freedom, precious time with their children and hand their life to others without thinking"
rowing dad & gracie.jpg
I’m 23 years young, what’s the best advice you could give yourself if you were my age ?A little about myself,I pay my own bills , I have my own things , I don’t rely on my parents for anything, im a tradesman (plumber) since 19 , didn’t go to college preferred to work with my hands and learn.
I’ve been rather lost as of late , it feels like I should be better off in life , I just need advice on life really, nothing specific just things only age can teach you.Thanks!

set up a 401k now!! Through fidelity or someone. Sock away 10% of your paycheck now. Pay yourself first always!!! You’ll look back at 35 and have $250k chillin in there. At 45 $500k. At 55 you can retire and just live off the interest.

Buy property if you can. Hunt, fish, shoot, workout, see your friends and family every chance you get. Enjoy dumb stuff like your dog when they wag their tail when you come home, or super pretty days, or a nice walk through town or your neighborhood. Travel or take your passions and explore them further. Like I’m trying to do long range Comps and get formal precision training. Take time for yourself every chance you get. It’s your life, and you only get one. Death of happiness is comparison. Don’t do it. Be happy for people who have more or are “doing better” than you. Then just worry about yourself. Help people when they need it. Take pride in your work.

Don’t have a wife and kids until your at least 30. Have separate bank accounts and share one for utilities and house payment. Get a woman who shares your interest and values. Or don’t get married at all. There’s no shame in that.

Also remember, without sadness, confusion, or feeling lost then happiness and success wouldn’t mean anything. Happiness and sadness feed off each other. You can’t appreciate one without the other. You could possibly be in just a low point. You’ll get out of it.

This is from someone who knows exactly how you feel. I struggle a lot with this as well. On paper I should be the happiest person alive, but for some reason I’m not.
Here is my best advice I could give because it's the best advice I got when i was younger and thinking the same way as you.

You look at your parents and see all they have have nice house nice furniture nice cars, maybe a boat and an atv/utv they take awesome vacations.

Well you are 23 they are likely mid to late 50's early 60's it's taken them that long to get the point point where they are not struggling. Because just as they started doing good in life BAM! A kid then 2 or 3 years goes by things are looking up and BAM! ANOTHER KID! Along the way the housing market went up the sold and did great bought another house a nicer house in a better area for you to grow up in. The bought a boat somehow you loved the **** out of it. They sold it a bought you a dirt bike. It seemed like you had it all and your parents were young. But they still struggled and kept financial burden far away from you because you didnt need to worry about those things.

Long story short is if you have your own place (preferably not renting) and are paying your bills and have a few bucks to toss in savings your are on your on path to a great life. When I was 23 I owned my own business after I closed for the night I would go clean office buildings to bring in extra money, mow lawns and worked a retail job I had my own house. Im in my early 30's now and i feel like my hard work has paid off 20 fold. A beautiful wife 2 beautiful daughters 4 and 2 years old we are building us a new house on family land. When I was a kid we were poor I never even knew it! Like clothes and toys from yard sales and goodwill poor. We traveled all over the country on road trips every summer like crazy come to find out when I was in my late 20's these road trips where done for 400 bucks 2 weeks on the road family of 5 all over the country. My parents didnt have a credit card or back up cash in the bank.

Dont compare yourself to what you see around you. It took people 20 30 40 years to have what they do and they struggled in between. Aspire to be better and do better. Dont believe the b.s. that nobody is better then anyone else. That is total bull****. If you are willing to work and have the motivation to do great you are better then others you deserve more then others you worked for it and earned it.
By all means plan to enjoy every do you are given. So many work 40 to 50 yrs and retire only to drop dead 1yr after retirement.
I remember being there. Whenever you start having “Should be” thoughts, stop yourself. Life has nothing to what should be. Take a look at where you are. What you THINK you want (this may change) and decide what you SHOULD DO to achieve it. Whether you succeed or not does not matter in the long run. Whether you can look yourself in the eye when you get old like me does. Keep pushing, Sir. Sounds like you’re headed in the right direction.
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