9-27 hunt

Skunked last night but it sure was a nice evening in the woods.
Saw a bobcat chasing another bobcat.
Watched a hawk fly down and face planted into a tree and grabbed something small and went to the ground with it then
It flew onto a branch about 10 yards in front of me and was eating whatever it was.
After it ate it was quartering away from me but it kept looking back at me by flipping its head back and turning it’s head to look.
I watched it go after several squirrels but never got one.
Pretty sure I heard some deer running behind me and in front of me on each ridge but never did see any deer.
My buddy had a big tree fall about 20 yards from him while he was going up his climber.
Beware those leaning trees guys.
From what Ive been told by an arborists is a lot of these large leaning trees lost their tap roots due to drought years ago and if you see them leaning stay away because all this rain saturation loosens up the ground roots and they let loose.
Had another tree come down today out back.
I went to investigate and Mr. six popped up from his bed then started following me around.
He’s not spooked by me at all.

I’m trying to let him know I’m not a threat so I always walk away from him and let him know he’s the boss.
He always starts grazing as I walk away like he’s the man.

Let’s hope by next year or the next he’s got the same attitude if he’s still around.

Look to the right of the big tree.
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