.410 arriving at Walmarts now

Check your Walmarts for .410 shells. They seem to be coming now in. Friend of mine who works there texted me they got 2 cases in at the Athens Walmart location. My store has a 3 box limit. I was able to buy 10 boxes. The older lady was putting them behind the glass and I told her some crackhead with a backpack was stealing things two aisles over and she ran off thinking it was her mission to stop a shoplifter so I grabbed seven more boxes from the sporting goods counter and took it to self checkout.
if you are not flipping them, how much were they a box?
I guess not!!! Since I graduated high school over 20 years ago I couldn't tell you the stories that I have heard about me. One being about 8-10 years after graduating that I was killed in a street racing accident. Which could have happened with those earlier years lol. Was a little wild and crazy in a vehicle. Me and the wife being divorced etc etc...
All I do now when I hear something from those days is just laugh. And also probably another reason I don't talk to folks from back then. It was always lies then and now so the f@#$ with them.

It's not just you. I was dead once too. Found out later that money was being collected for flowers until I guess I disappointed them by still being alive.
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