4 mile shot

68 misses and then they get this hit.

I'm still impressed, but I see no practical value to this until
they can hit a man-sized target at least 5 out of nine shots.
(A probability-- a hit is slightly more likely than a miss.)
Holy cow. If you were standing next to the target 4 miles away when the round hit, you'd probably never even hear the shot.
Way less than that. Ive been directly downrange from a .308 at 600 yards, right next to the target and it barely made a sound. Weird how the sound doesn't seem to travel directly in front of the bore at that distance. Im not sure the science behind it.
68 misses and then they get this hit.

I'm still impressed, but I see no practical value to this until
they can hit a man-sized target at least 5 out of nine shots.
(A probability-- a hit is slightly more likely than a miss.)
Agree, in my opinion if you want a record, you need to go 3 of 3.
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