Hey Tazz Tazz -
My dad used to say “ A hard head makes for a soft ass” !! LMFAO
Lol! I don’t know brother, people who’ve worked for me have called me a “hard ass & mean ass” among many other things. :pound:
BDR1 BDR1 , steviesterno steviesterno
Thank both of yall tremendously for everything BOTH of you guys have done and continue to do to look out for me. I dont know what i have done in life to deserve such but let me tell you…..it was time. It has been getting tougher and tougher ….. Stevie you been looking out for me for months, since we found out we live a couple of miles apart through a deal. Scott, you become such a great friend and ODT contact too, got wind of this and got aggressive and i really really dont know how to thank you both…
All the suggestions and help I get i am investigating completely and as legal & discreetly as possible.
Both you guys are awesome 🙂 dont ever change.
These end up being pretty damned intense… usually 2-4 days in ICU before i come to. The last three were that way.
How old was she when she started having them?
5 year seizure free brother. They could figure out was my caused mine tried all kinds of stuff but Lamictal er 400mg at night was what stopped it kepra and Depakote have alot of nasty side effects but Lamictal is all I've taken for 5 years and not to jynx it I'm in the best place in my life.
5 year seizure free brother. They could figure out was my caused mine tried all kinds of stuff but Lamictal er 400mg at night was what stopped it kepra and Depakote have alot of nasty side effects but Lamictal is all I've taken for 5 years and not to jynx it I'm in the best place in my life.
Wow. Thanks for the info. Yep, i am not real happy with this Kepra stuff… i am going to mention it to my neurologist and see what he thinks.
Kepra made me not myself to the point I just suffered through the seizures which was stupid but I didn't like the person I was.
I was pretty damned close to that point with the last stuff….Vimpat? …. I had gotten to where i was skipping doses….didnt like the way it made me feel. I was shaking all the time, i felt like crap in general. Just wasnt myself.
This stuff now , keppra , just makes me sleep. So i seem to be able to regulate it right now, hopefully i will get used to it. I am able to take the full 2 doses i am supposed to take per day. And i got it close to 12 hrs apart. Some may be closer to 10-9 maybe stretching it . But that is all i feel off of it. Bad that is.
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