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  1. Pride Month, What are your pronouns?

    I wish I could identify as a mother of 10 kids to get and this stimulus money some of them got! Doubt it would work on taxes though.
  2. Whenever you get to feeling pissy and moany about your health problems... .

    Look up Kyle Maynard on google. When I wrestled back in the day this guy did for Collins hill. I’ve heard he went on to do all sorts of things like climbing some tall mountains and he’s opened his own gym now. The guy was a beast on the mat and never let anything slow him down. A real inspiration
  3. COD modern warfare

    Wildindian33 is still at it. I mainly play plunder unless some other friends get on and we play battle royale.

    Not sure how you’re going to post a nice lot like that and not add a date and time for the meet up. First time I ever fished this was with my two brothers in a tournament. Regular boat was t working so we used my dads old 14’ Jon boat with no fisher mind you! Came in third that day...
  5. Fundraiser ideas?

    She just left from our home not too long ago. She is definitely in agreement for him to stay with us. Just keep praying!
  6. Fundraiser ideas?

    Don’t do anything yet with auction. We will see how this week goes with new court date. I sure to appreciate you though @Bypass
  7. Fundraiser ideas?

    Well did it work? Lol
  8. Fundraiser ideas?

    Yes. Not even reunification with parents but anyone who may or may not be a family member they can throw the kid with
  9. Fundraiser ideas?

    As of now he’s still going to be in our home for the next little bit. If anything changes and we have to go the lawyer route, which could be pretty quick, I will definitely be in touch with you. Thanks!
  10. Fundraiser ideas?

    CASA is awesome. All of them we’ve have contact with have been great. Haven’t spoke to her yet but from what we’ve spoken in the past I feel like she would be right there with us
  11. Fundraiser ideas?

    I can’t speak too much on my younger years. I may or may not have almost pulled off a fake fundraiser for something we tore up our senior spring break. Almost cost me walking at graduation
  12. Fundraiser ideas?

    Thanks man. I appreciate those ideas. And yes I would either do a small local type thing with the raffle or something just on ODT. Just had court again and as of right now he will be with us the next little while with no changes. Praying it stays that way and we end up not needing an attorney at all
  13. Fundraiser ideas?

    Yes it is. We’re the foster family asking questions and advocating for best interest but we have no say that will hold up in court. They reinstated visitation immediately when the mom and boyfriend were the only two possible ones who could’ve done the abuse. But forget investigation going on...
  14. Fundraiser ideas?

    Yeah that’s kinda what I was thinking of doing with one of my guns if I needed to or I know family would donate a few also. I would think the way prices are nowadays we could just go nuts like everyone else and list a few glocks and make up the cost
  15. Fundraiser ideas?

    Thank you for the info! I didn’t know that. And just trying to help anyone out in any way we can
  16. Fundraiser ideas?

    Yeah. I’ve set one up for a friend in desperate need before. I just could never do that for myself. Idk I’d feel like I’m asking for a handout and couldn’t ever do it. But would rather do something like a gun raffle. Just not sure if that would generate much or how it would go
  17. Fundraiser ideas?

    Alright, so without going into too much detail, my wife and I started fostering a year ago. Our second child in and we are extremely attached. Crazy family situation, but long story short, DFCS is trying to pull him from our home and place him with someone who may or may not be family. He is...
  18. Wasn’t going to bring it up but it’s really bothered me...

    I’m a home health physical therapist assistant but only cover Carroll county. Unfortunately I’ve seen some great social workers and then again some absolutely terrible ones. Some of them sign the patient up with multiple companies receiving the referral and we go out there and someone has...
  19. Total shoulder replacement

    I do home health physical therapy. How well you do has a lot to do with how bad you let it get before you operate. At 64 sounds like you’re making the right choice to go ahead and get it done instead of waiting several years. Go ahead and start doing some exercises with a small weight or...
  20. Blacking out chrome

    We did a full chrome delete on my wife’s Yukon do Denali a couple years back. I’ve always liked paint match and not crazy on chrome. We had it painted and not with plastic dip. I was always having to touch crap up. We also plastidipped her from skid plate on old z71 Tahoe. After one touch up...
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