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  1. Has anyone had this surgery?

    Thanks my friend. Gives me a little faith in the surgeon as he said injections were not an option in the toe joint. Just would be unnecessary pain that wouldn't fix it. Strangely if you told me today that I needed foot surgery I'd say you were nuts...but Oh Lordy when it flares up I'd let...
  2. Has anyone had this surgery?

    Thank you!
  3. Has anyone had this surgery?

    Try to keep this short. Was having intense pain in my feet at various times. To the point I couldn't bear to even put a shoe on much less walk. Usually lasted 1 or 2 days. Last attack lasted almost 3 weeks. Managed to get by in a walking boot. Tested for gout but that's a negative. X-rays...
  4. Divorce Sucks

    Ain't that the truth! I tell my wife the same when starts watching them damn Lifetime movies where the husband remarried after the wife dies. Then she starts on me about if she dies first and me getting married again. Nope. Too old and set in my ways to adapt to another one or train one to...
  5. Divorce Sucks

    I'm the luckiest man alive. Met my wife at 17 married at 19. Still happy 45 years later. Hope you find the same happiness 2nd time around. Praying for your peace and tranquility. God has a purpose even if we can't see it.
  6. 2 YEARS SINCE MY SON DIED! (fentanyl)

    Hard for me even to talk about this. My youngest brother died 1/5 two years ago. Nothing I say will comfort you. The pain eases but never goes away. I guess that is as it should be. God bless and prayers for you and your family.
  7. Looking for some experiential knowledge...

    Not personally but my brother went through the same. Catheter removed, couldn't urinate, catheter reinserted. It all worked out in the end. Praying for rapid and complete recovery!
  8. How many of us are awake 1a-5a?

    I wake up, make rounds, check on the animals, go back to sleep. Easy and light sleeper.
  9. Detoxing for the older guys

    I'm a proponent of apple cider vinegar. Use the Bragg's variety. Mix a tbsp with a glass of water then drink another glass of pure water after that to rinse your mouth. Some people drink it straight but I don't recommend that due to the acidity damaging tooth enamel. I'm only drinking...
  10. Smoking cigarettes

    Never smoked a cigarette. Up until 2 years ago smoked cigars almost every day. From what I understand it is a completely different animal. But I can tell you I feel so much better without them. Plus I smoked good cigars. Like burning $20 bills. Can't imagine how much money I have saved.
  11. Gout

    First and foremost make sure it is gout. Thought I had gout a few years back. Same thing, swollen,red, painful big toe. Went to doctor to find out it was a bone spur. Eventually I will need surgery on it but it wasn't gout so diet wasn't going to help. Just my 2¢
  12. Sleep Apnia/ Snoring recommendations

    ^^^^ This! Plus wife has a special pillow and an adjustable bed. Elevating her head helps even with the CPAP. The new sleep study can even be done at home. Very convenient.
  13. Any former smokers on here?

    Cinnamon toothpicks are a great substitute.
  14. Any former smokers on here?

    Quit 1.5 years ago. Whenever I'm tempted I think about my best friend who has throat cancer and has been fighting for 6 months now with no end in sight. All it takes to keep me strong. Even he has told me he'll whip my a$$ if he ever sees me smoke again.
  15. I found a way to finally quit smoking and it is working.

    If they work for you who cares what anyone else thinks. Even a placebo that works is still good medicine. Best of luck in your quest!
  16. Thoughts on becoming and old man. To those of you who call us Fudds.

    Ollie my friend, my daughter is forty! I'm proud to have lived as long as I have. Got a lot of friends that haven't survived the trip.
  17. Thoughts on becoming and old man. To those of you who call us Fudds.

    Getting old ain't for sissies! I remember an old Spanish proverb "Hierba mala nunca muere!" Basically...A bad weed never dies! I may live forever!
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