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  1. U2 out of Robins AFB?

    I just watched a documentary on the SR71. Amazing and I believe aliens live among us, those engineers in the "Skunk" team had to have help. The design and production of those planes were so far advanced, unbelievable....
  2. Clandestine group controlling The ODT

    Crippen be trippen

    Housing construction is up... They get paid a minimum of $15 @ hour, under the table. Try that at Mc'Ds.
  4. I can't explain this....

    how many of you believe that your sole leaves the body during rem sleep.. if you have ever seen your self in a dream you have left your body an are having an out of body experience the same as a dream of flying.. ancient Indians believe this was the link to the spirit world ...
  5. Have you ever seen a ghost or something you cant explain?

    Feets dont fails me now...............
  6. Wear a tracking bracelet and get a discount on your health insurance

    And ye shall bear the mark of Satan ..... I've been watching too much Sleepy Hollow.
  7. American Concentration Camps, Conservative Terrorists, and Obama's Thirst For Blood

    I'll say it again.... Wolverines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Want to know why intelligent CITIZENS dont like cops?

    I want 30 minutes back......
  9. Hidden black hole found near center of Milky Way galaxy

    Isnt that Uranus?
  10. Legendary investor warns of Financial Armageddon after the election

    They want to sell their "Money Map Reports"....
  11. Dyatlov Pass incident

    Isnt that where Indiana Jones met up with those baddass's with black boots and SS insignia's?
  12. I have found a bug out location for all, Whos chippin in?

    I just had a flashback... Too much time spent in Holy Loch :suspicious:
  13. Any gold left in Ft. Knox? Yes or No

    The Knights Templars have it...
  14. Real zombie video! It has started!

    Crazy Ivan...couple shots of Vodka and he thinks he's a zombie...
  15. i think zombies might exist!!

    Calm down... here's your meds......
  16. On Discovery channel: What sank Titanic?

    Too many aliens onboard...
  17. Elvis?

    Thank ya.... thank ya very much......
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