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  1. Wildest coyote sighting ever.

    I think I spotted one too. I was stalking Vess and this thing came out of a window…
  2. Long range deer dispatch

  3. Long range deer dispatch

    I absolutely believe the story
  4. Long range deer dispatch

    There’s a guy like that in Arkansas. He goes by Bob Lee Swagger…
  5. Long range deer dispatch

    Agreed. Seems a bit on the unethical side but I can’t shoot like that. Probably a walk in the park for Greg’s buddy.
  6. Wild Game Night - Lighthouse Baptist Church Jackson, GA

    Went to one years ago. Ate elk, gator, rattlesnake and met Jeff foxworthy. The elk and foxworthy were great.
  7. My cousin reminded me today who I have not invited him to hunt in the past 37 years

    Happens all the time. What never gets mentioned is all the anxiety that comes with preparing all year. Some visitor sits in a stand and all of the sudden: “huh, that looks like a deer… sorta…” Then, BANG! One for the record books
  8. My cousin reminded me today who I have not invited him to hunt in the past 37 years

    Sorry… screw the deer. That license plate reminds me of nothing but good times
  9. Big buck pictures

    You still living at 321 Green Bay Drive 30338?
  10. 11/3 Deer Hunt

    Glad I went out this morning. I was in a rush so I had to settle for the little one.
  11. Heads up and down

    I hate ALL snakes and even some larger worms… because they’re all poisonous. Don’t try to convince me otherwise because it’s too late.
  12. An odd occurrence

    Because his brother isn’t a member here. Duh
  13. An odd occurrence

    Beat me to it
  14. What's wrong with this deer?

    We have a group of Melanistic deer that comes through my yard every day. Never heard of them before. They're black and pretty rare. Not sure how they taste but I'll let you know in a couple months.:becky: Thats a google image.... Haven't been able to get a pic yet
  15. Trespassers

    Dang Greg, you're usually so peaceful. Did they change your meds?
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