ODT In Memorium - RIP

I just saw on Facebook that @1jcwallace passed away this morning…. He was 39.

He was a really good dude, saved my ass a few times when I was out of town and got packages left at my house.

He lived about .5 miles from me, we waved at each other 2-3 times a week as we passed on our road.

I wish we stopped and shot the **** more often now and didn’t take that for granted.

My goodness… Guy was almost my son’s age… This is really tragic and sad.
But hear me out, if I would have the option to choose which way to go, I think that’s the best way, at your sleep!

May The LORD of all comfort fill the hearts of everyone in his family, with PEACE and comforting. It is OK to get emotional and drop some tears. Jesus cried as well…

You all better be spiritually ready for that day when we pass to the other side, to which there ain’t no return.
Even younger than me. Definitely too young. I hope his journey to the heavens is peaceful.

He was just on at 10:49pm on Monday. Which means he passed shortly thereafter. It really puts things into perspective. You can be doing something so mundane one minute and be gone the next.

Just a reminder to make the moments you do have count for something. Tell the people you love that you do love them, hug your kids a little harder, call your parents. Make time for the people that count in your life. Time is all we have until we don’t.
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