MSM now admitting to use of Chemtrails

Obviously, you don't remember the Tylenol poisoning cases, and the subsequent focus on tampering.
What's the point of a secret evil plot, when it's detected immediately?
Always better to do your secret evil plots in a novel manner. Gotsta have style!
If you do some research on the Tylenol tampering it boiled down to a wife poisoned her husband and after it made the news there were a bunch of copycats
An organization called geoengineering watch? Sure, that sounds legit. I’ll put as much faith in their work as Prestige Worldwide: The first word in entertainment, management, financial portfolios, insurance, computers…black leather gloves. Research and development, putting in the man hours studying the science of what you need. Last week, they put liquid paper on a bee…and it died. Investors? Possibly you?
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