New Section: Tactics & Training ???

Do you support a new forum section called "Tactics & Training"?

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olchevy said:
But in reality I just see a ton of fights an name calling and "Where did you get your firearms or tactic instruction lisecense from?" BS.....

I haven't seen this anywhere. Where have you?

Professionals debate opinions and learn that way. So does anyone else that is listening in.

here's a couple of examples for you. I changed the screen name of the "professional" since these threads turned into urinating contest and got locked.

professional gun trainer said:
Wow... This guy has said he's a new shooter & with all the "help" he's getting, I'm starting to get confused myself & I do this full-time for a living.
I better find a new line of work... All those years of expensive classes plus the thousands I spent on my private range... wasted, back to the drawing board I guess.
Now everybody's a certified Instructor.., guess it's all the ex-real estate agents finding a new career.

professional gun trainer said:
My apologies, didn't know I was treading on a fellow instructors toes... where did you get your training & where do you teach at?

Let me know where your next class is going to be & I'll try to make it or even better... I had talked to Tiger McKee from Shootrite Firearms Academy about coming to do a guest Instructor class but if you'll shoot me an outline of one of your lesson plans then you can come do it at my range & I'll pay you.
Send me your Instructor Quals. so I can add you to my insurance first though.
here's a couple of examples for you. I changed the screen name of the "professional" since these threads turned into urinating contest and got locked.

While everyone has a right to their opinion, some people have more relevant opinions due to a broader base of knowledge and experience.
There are many members on this forum that meet that criteria.

I'm sure that in whatever your chosen profession is, you know more about it than I do since that is how you make your living.

I'm sure that "jrr888" knows more about coins than I do, that "CCW" knows more about the sign business than I do, that "bennmmc" knows more about building websites than I do.

I stand by my posts insofar that if someone wants to "call me out" so to speak & infer that I'm wrong about a subject than I would ask that they back they're statements up with hard facts. I can't see how that's not logical.
I think it has been determined (and reinforced by my suspicions) that if we want to dialog with experts or professionals in a dedicated environment, we need to stick to the appropriate sections at Glock Talk, M4C and other forums that are not so sensitive to being challenged. The ODT was originally created for buying, selling and trading and has such attracted exactly the type of people it was intended for.

I appreciate all who voted for change, but as we have seen in the 2008 elections, change isnt always what we may want.
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"exactly the type of people it was intended for"

Yeah, I think so. Nice folks who like to trade and have a good time.

I don't understand why this can't just be a group? Everyone can be invited to it, I'd even advertise its existence in the public forums.
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