How bout that new Breaking Bad?

I sooo wanted him to shave his head and wear the hat to the meet at the end.

there is a spinoff about saul its already been announced I was pretty happy with the ending cant say the same about the finale to dexter
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Leaked Better Call Saul TV Intro

If this leaked vid is real, this show is set before breaking bad...

I dont think that's real but yes, the show is supposed to be a prequel to BB.

That is creative but definately not real.

It is set before BB. So some of the shady characters we know and love like Gus and Mike should have storylines. Being that Hank is my favorite character, I'd love to see him on the show in some storylines as well.

They have said it going to have a little "comedy" mixed in with the seriousness of BB. Saul obviously would add to the comedic relief in the story by the virtue of his character.
I just watched the finale last night, so I'm about 2 months late to this party. I'm definitely not happy with the way it ended. I kind of always assumed that Walter would die somehow, so that was ok. Dying from a gunshot to me was preferable than succumbing to cancer. I didn't like how Skyler and Walter Jr. never listened to him or understood why he did what he did. As a father, it bummed me out when he held his baby for the last time and watched his son from afar after he got home from school. I would have preferred for him to have reconciled more with his family and for Walter Jr. and Skyler not to have thought he killed Hank. I can't say I was sad to see Hank go however. In the end it kind of left you feeling empty and sorry for Walter. He did all that ultimately for his family that he lost anyway. We can assume that his family gets the money when Walter Jr. turns 18, so I guess Walter will get what he wants eventually. I am kind of curious where all the money from the gang went though... Anyway, just trying to work my way through it being over :)
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