A True Predator

Are you baiting deer? If you have cameras set up near bait you will see just how many and how fat the coon population is.

Is there a reason you aren't trapping them now if you don't want to shoot them during deer season for whatever reason? You could trap them and take them away from hunting area / peak times and kill them. Or offer them to a trapper for free who may want the hide (if this is legal in GA).
I'm a softie. The only trapped animal I can kill is a pig, figured that out the first time I ever trapped a coon. I have no qualms with shooting them now I just don't see then during the day and usually don't wait around for pigs. I'm a dont kill it if you aint gonna eat it kind of person.
Wow i’d love to harvest a bobcat to get mounted. Very cool pics guys. I’ve never seen one in the woods ever
Look up a blue phase or charcoal bobcat. Probably one of the most beautiful mammals in North America. There was one on the same property as my pic for a few years. I saw him twice crossing the road. It was gorgeous.
Z Hand traps for coons, fox and opossum.
Mrs. 8 has the empirical data.
I hear you. Fortunately we don't bait so we don't have many coons, and we have many turkey :) My boy wants a coon hat so I am going to hunt one. And I would like to harvest a coyote to tan the hide.
We have multiple bait stations and they're on them constantly. Honestly I could probably just walk through the woods with a green light and tear them up walking the main creek. I usually pass coyotes as well. Big woods still need predators or you end up with skinny deer in my opinion. Find you a farmer with a creek and a field and you'll have both in no time. Im sure they won't mind if you get rid of some vermin.
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