20 Signs American Society is Breaking Down

Do you agree or has it just always been this way

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My personal opinion is the more our nation attempts to remove God from society and government, the more our collective moral values decline. I don't think it's all related to the frequency of internet based reporting. Too much of it is going on, too quickly.

That's possible, but humanity hasn't changed much as a whole as far as capability to inflict needless violence on others. From recorded time on, our collective history is one of brutality, often based on conquest or no reason at all.

Were things better say 50 or 100 years ago in the US? Possibly, I would like to see a serious comparison but have not found any, if anyone knows of some, please pass it on.
Im going to add a few more:

21. The complacency and lack of understanding of what is really going on around us.
22. the diluting of American pride,the American spirit,American identity and American values by the globalist movement.
23. the attitude of " hey whatever" anythings ok with me as long as I can get a paycheck and buy my flat screens,video games and toys.
My personal opinion is the more our nation attempts to remove God from society and government, the more our collective moral values decline. I don't think it's all related to the frequency of internet based reporting. Too much of it is going on, too quickly.

IF I believe in GOD you care to explain how someone can take that away from me? They kill christians in the middle east and yet there are still christians there today. Those who have faith are willing to stand on their convictions even in the face of adversity. Those who will give up their convictions at the first sign of adversity had no true faith to begin with. GOD has no place in my govt, only in the hearts of those who serve in my govt. The kingdom of GOD is not of this earth at this time. Oh and by the way just which "GOD" do you mean and is he supposed to be worshiped in some certain way? Jews, Christians and even Muslims worship the same GOD, is that perchance the GOD you meant?

In my opinion the trouble with society today is the lack of responsibility taught to our children in school and at home. For so many both parents work and leave their children to be babysat by someone who doesn't care what that child is taught. Society blames the drugs instead of the addict. They blame the guns instead of the criminal with the gun for the crimes committed. The sheeple want to blame govt for the mess instead of themselves for their lack of oversight of that govt. Sheeple blame Wal Mart for the lack of american made goods in the store instead of themselves as consumers because they bought foreign made goods without thought of who was supporting the manufacturing job in the US. They blame the banks instead of the govt and the consumer. Anyone and everyone but themselves. In truth I share in that blame..
Pics for #6 and #7 or they didn't happen.

And I don't care about #20. He can smoke all the pot he wants. I still don't like him because he is a socialist.
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