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  1. If you want to be happy….

    You can do all three . . . .
  2. Dumb stuff we did as kids

    A lot of us on this thread must have grown up during the "make do" generation. Play with the toys you've got. Wood, dirt, bees, etc. Dad was a super-smart corporate lawyer who grew up in 1930s Pittsburgh. Circa 1967, I didn't have a cap gun and we didn't have much money. Dad pulled the...
  3. Stoicism

    I don't know why the question was asked and then removed, but -- "Stoicism doesn’t concern itself with complicated theories about the world, but with helping us overcome destructive emotions and act on...
  4. I could really learn to hate my neighbors. Need to find the reference for the court case

    rockyfatcat, I'm in the exact opposite position. My neighbors on either side are thoughtless idiots. One with dogs and the other with disgraceful yard "maintenance." In 17 years we've never said a word, yet every time they get an HOA letter they blame us and give us the cold shoulder...
  5. I could really learn to hate my neighbors. Need to find the reference for the court case

    Here it is: Peachtree City Municipal Code, Chapter 18, Buildings & Construction > Article X, Property Maintenance Code > Section 18-90, International Property Maintenance Code Adopted > Section (b)(3)b. I would have written 18-90(b)(3)b instead of 302.8...
  6. I could really learn to hate my neighbors. Need to find the reference for the court case
  7. For the Love of GOD...OUR MILLENNIALS are killing me!!!

    It's 12 spaces if the boss says so, or you're fired.

    "you just need a good ass kicking to bring you back to reality" Jason Bourne's theme song says "I would stand in line for this."
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