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  1. closed think i got the info i need for now

    If you take anything except postal money orders - Youll get scammed...
  2. Housing market is the wild wild west. Any real-estate fellas on here?

    As a lender for 20+ years - This is my third "appreciating" cycle where every sale is a new record. A strategy some buyers use is to simply outbid everyone else - Then renegotiate after the appraisal. If the seller won't budge - Cancel the deal and move on. I literally have a $30M pipeline of...
  3. You will be forced to take the vaccine.

    Cancer doc says not to take it. Since I've banned most sports, dislike large crowds, work remote, and travel by RV - This beervirus "solution" is useless to me. When exactly did it become everyone else's responsibility to "keep me safe" - Instead of just my own?
  4. New Neighbors

    Motion sensor water sprinklers. Works for birds too...
  5. Is the Texas ice storm comparable to Katrina?

    I'm at our Texas lake house now. Pretty much everyone taking care of those who can't. Don't believe the media BS. I loaned a spare generator to an elderly couple down the road and made sure they were stocked up. He got out of the Navy 40yrs before I swore my oath... Running water has been...
  6. Do You Know What Pain Is? Some of you do...

    Get a few prostate biopsies and THEN you'll know pain. Felt like getting kicked in the taint by a donkey. 12 times in 10 minutes...

    RIP / SMIB I'll fire up a LFD in his honor tonight - While weakminded gov control worshipping puppets celebrate his demise...
  8. This make you laugh?

    My guess would be worshipping gov control requires an IQ below 90. How many voters is that?
  9. Where have all the good men gone?

    Just tickle her until she pees...
  10. It's Come To This

    In unrelated news - Gimp hood sales skyrocket during beervirus panic...
  11. Guberment Check

    A hearty "Youre Welcome" from the 28% funding the government and not entitled to checks... :)
  12. Check your bank account

    The 28% of us funding 90% of the government - Dont get the checks. But you're welcome... :)
  13. Are you ending 2020 better off, than it started for you?

    Record breaking year financially. Worst year ever socially. And for the first time - I think we will see the demise of our Republic within our lifetimes. That said we're probably moving back to Texas full-time. We didn't leave CA to live in a blue state...
  14. Georgia exodus?

    Elections have consequences. Im not paying taxes in a state supporting HIGHER taxes and more gov control. I'll simply sell and move back to our Texas lake house full time. Reap it...
  15. WHAT do you SEE ??

    Thats where those two cougars chased me down and hummed me....
  16. Vodka drinkers....

    Get yourself some decent quality vodka - Shake it with ice and grind some black pepper over the top. Give it a stir. Enjoy....
  17. Is owning a tractor a hassle?

    I'm partial to John Deere....
  18. Good on Netflix or Prime right now?

    Watched an interesting documentary "Scotch". Worth a glass or three...
  19. Drum Smoker (Ugly Drum Smoker) Your Thoughts?

    Separate the meat and charcoal / wood areas so they are connected with a pipe. I put a simple closed/open plate on mine - Keeps the temp stable whenever adding wood or turning meats....
  20. Ammo, where are you finding it in bulk?

    You're too late.......
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