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  1. Anyone been staying sick?

    I have what I believe to be a sinus infection started Christmas Eve I've been blessed to not be sick in a long time.
  2. Gout

    Indomethacin as was said for flare ups ,it’s hard on your gut so short term. I have occasionally I inherited from my mother. good luck it’s awful
  3. Acid Reflux/ GERD

    I take 40 mg of Pantoprazole daily (first AM) have for several years. My Dr is Grybowski at Piedmont Fayette. Annual endoscopy bi annual colonoscopy Food and drink do play a big role, fatty foods, spicy foods, peppermint, alcohol , fiber that creates abdominal pressure and pushes upward...
  4. Stupid to me: down and out….

    Sorry OP we had a few truck or treaters all were very polite. one kid had a n FE Uzi , he was a little fellow. His dad was behind had the kids M9 I said Dad good to see that your packing as well. we laughed he said constitutional carry! still some good people amongst us, keep the faith OP
  5. Insomnia cures?

    I’m on west coast awake , it’s 234 am not good
  6. Humbling , my fitness level

    @palmettomoon its hard , I’m 60 and it’s getting harder
  7. Humbling , my fitness level

    Sheesh I landed in Mexico City (late) had to run or try to make my connection today. dragging a bag and back pack, wearing an N 95 mask (mask required on planes and in airport in Mexico) I thought that I may die trying to catch the plane. i made it to gate 55 as they were calling final...
  8. I found a way to finally quit smoking and it is working.

    I stopped chewing tobacco 24 years ago i didn’t gain weight but I realized that it was a great appetite suppressant especially when on hours long drives glad that I quit
  9. Men over 50 should not use a chainsaw.

    I went ass over tea kettle on grandsons dirt bike maybe three years ago , went to urgent care. Dr , young lady who saw me , said I read the chart and your age I was planning to send you to ER. you seem to be ok other than swelling , bruising, pain and the severe arthritis in your neck (hit face...
  10. Men over 50 should not use a chainsaw.

    I wear chaps and a hard hat when I use a chainsaw. It’s amazing at the limbs etc that can bang your head and all too easy to cut open a leg.
  11. Black Drawing Salve?

    Yes merthiolate , black salve and mercurochrome I remember all three. i also remember when you could get a “good” opiate based anti diarrheal at the pharmacy, of course I was a kid.
  12. Covid

    I have not participated to a great degree in these Covid discussions until now. i have see pro vaccine threads , anti vaccine threads etc. i want to share a close to home story regarding a good rewind of ours . She is 69 and happens to be blind. She rode to church with us December 26 , being...
  13. Colonoscopy Prep

    Pill camera is a breeze , bleeding ulcer can cause anemia . Avoid aspirin or Advil completely
  14. Colonoscopy Prep

    Good news and no photos please! i had my first at 52 was told ten years but because of other gastro issues , my GI doctor suggested one last year. Found pre cancerous polyps now it’s every two years, small price to pay
  15. Any long term post jab side affects…(serious answers please)

    Wife had a Pfizer booster last Friday . She was sick for four days , maybe a virus . Fever, nausea, diarrhea, stomach pains , headache.
  16. Started working out with weights again.

    Consider it like brushing your teeth or taking a shower, something that you do everyday. if you embrace it, enjoy it , you will continue. in for results over the next few months.
  17. I Have The Roni

    Godspeed OP I am neither anti vaccine nor pro vaccine , I have been vaccinated it’s a personal choice.
  18. Muscle Loss

    Godspeed brother I would guess nerve impingement . years ago one morning I was brushing my teeth , no shirt on , noticed that my right shoulder blade was pointing outward as I raised my right arm in front. Dr neighbor told me winged scapula , it was caused by a small impingement in my neck like...
  19. What's your diet and exercise plan?

    Subscribed, I have been a gym rat all of my adult life but age and time constraints have made me fatter and in the worse shape of my life. burn more than you consume and do aerobic as well as aerobic exercise . Muscle burns / consumes calories . I need to lose 20 lbs
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