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  1. Poll: Do you think guns should be permitted on college campuses?

    If they have been justly punished and set free in the eyes of the judicial system then why should they not have there rights back? If they can't be trusted with a gun the why can they drive a car? My point I guess is if they killed someone with out doing so in self defense why are they still...
  2. Poll: Do you think guns should be permitted on college campuses?

    That is flawed logic. Any time you have to get permission to exercise a right it is no longer a right but a privilege. Rights are unalienable. un·al·ien·a·ble *(ŭn-āl′yə-nə-bəl, -ā′lē-ə-) adj. Not to be separated, given away, or taken...
  3. Poll: Do you think guns should be permitted on college campuses?

    I'll never understand why people think it's OK to take my rights and in the same breath whine about there own being taken away. The simple fact is that we have taken the rights of one another through being complacent and not involved. These people allow there rights to be taken for the false...
  4. Poll: Do you think guns should be permitted on college campuses?

    Why should you have to ask permission to protect yourself and exercise your God given right? Requiring a permit no longer makes it a right but a privilege. I think that goes against what the Constitution set forth IMHO
  5. Poll: Do you think guns should be permitted on college campuses?

    i have issue with that logic. if they did the time and were released into society then they should have ALL of the rights that we have. if they cant be trusted with the same rights then they should not be out period. i don't care what any one says. saying a criminal cant have a gun is going...
  6. Poll: Do you think guns should be permitted on college campuses?

    yes. why should a bunch of adults be put at a disadvantage because they want to get a higher education. perfect example are the scumbags that prey on the folks at the three campuses in Atlanta. my wife also went to mercer in macon and there were red lights the cops wouldn't ticket them for...
  7. Anyone paying attention to CT?

    Typical reaction of an uniformed person.
  8. Anyone paying attention to CT?

    Yea I believe they call them tyrants. They don't want you to be able to defend yourself against them. That's pretty much what it boils down to
  9. Anyone paying attention to CT?

    It means they want to disarm the citizens of the world lol
  10. Anyone paying attention to CT?

    Yeah if I'm not mistaken it's at a United nations building
  11. Anyone paying attention to CT?

    It's truly sad its come to this. I honestly hope this will open the eyes of some of the sheep. They won't stop with "assault weapons". This is a soft test run. Wait and see what happens if we do not stand our ground. This fight is not just Connecticut and New York. The fight is for every...
  12. Everyone needs to read and understand this

    I will stand by your side shoulder to shoulder. I will die to provide my children with the rights they were born with. When the time comes you will see me on the side of liberty and freedom
  13. 15 year old says it all

    Awesome. I bet that this won't be in the lame stream media
  14. How not to CCW

    Wow what a dip ****. This is the type of thing the left wants to happen. This **** Will be made to make us all look like that guy
  15. NCO Veteran charged with 5 felonies (had 5 AR Magazines)

    im in the same boat brother. ive got my 2 year old son and another on the way. i cringe when i think what the world will be like during there childhoods
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