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  1. Destiny 2

    Seeing if anybody on here plays. Also looking for clan recruits on PS4.
  2. Battlefield 1 on PS4

    Yep, but was still garbage at release. Finally got a balanced, stable experience after 1-2 years of patching. I like they went with an old school theme, but I would have preferred a Battlefield 1942 redo.
  3. Battlefield 1 on PS4

    After the past few titles, the Battlefield series has taught me to do this. After a year of patches and price cuts it may be a decent game at a fair price.
  4. Saving Private Ryan

    Yep we just have the capability to kill the whole planet in the next World War.
  5. Just a heads up about superman vs batman...

    It seems that it is impossible for a good modern Superman movie to be produced. With as much as WB sunk into Dawn of Justice, maybe a giant flop will force them to sell the franchise to Disney and they can make something successful out of the potential that is there.
  6. The Division

    Just got it yesterday, I'm hooked. For anyone looking to group up on PS4 my gamer tag is: wsbrown86

    They are actually drawing a lot of inspiration from the EU even though they axed it. Kyle Ren's outfit and Starkiller base have similarities to Darth Revan and the Starforge in Knights of the Old Republic. The whole Skywalker children fighting amongst themselves in the EU seems to be a big theme...

    I like the hype, it makes me money....

    Today's trailer alone made Disney's stock price jump more than 1% on a day when all the bigger stocks were down, I'm going to love to see what December brings.... and yes I want to watch it too.
  10. Anyone play Clash of Clans?

    Lucas Arts just came out with Star Wars Commander, it looks like a direct copy of COC
  11. post your gamertag.

    I recommend BF3 over COD. wsbrown86 on PS3
  12. BF3 PC players?

    I've been toying around with renting a server, if we could get enough players interested it would be fun.
  13. BF3 PC players?

    springer1911 is my profile, would be cool to get an all Georgia platoon up.
  14. BF3 PC players?

    Seeing if any other BF3 PC players were lurking on the ODT...
  15. You online gamers

    Amen, you can usually tell who the slow cats are as they seem generally confused while being blasted repeatedly. As for those that hack, nothing is more satisfying to actually be good enough to own them in a match and then listen to them whine about how you cheat... lol. And no I never hack or...
  16. walking dead

    This show and Falling Skies is the only two TV shows I watch. Just wish there wasn't such long periods of time between seasons.
  17. Rainbow six Vegas 2 anyone??

    Yep I'm a solid fan, finally got into the multiplayer after upgrading from dial-up.
  18. Zombie invasion series!

    Good show, I want a Python now.
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