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  1. A question for those buying gold for SHTF

    Lead will be king.
  2. Mask Meltdowns

    cocaine is a hell of a drug!
  3. Ax

    LEME AX you a queshen
  4. Kukri machete.

    It's the **** for killing zombies!:cool:
  5. Do you have more than a week of food?

    so sad
  6. Alone !! Do you have what it takes ?

    It is the same mind set for dating. You can't make me cry and go home. :greedy_dollars:
  7. Alone !! Do you have what it takes ?

    You have to have the right mind set. You adapt and thrive.You don't cry and go home.
  8. Alone !! Do you have what it takes ?

    man this would be a dream come true. Come pick me up after everyone else quits. This is the **** we did for fun growing up. Hell I would have won when I was 12.
  9. Possible winter storm watch Monday you ready?

    i hope it's knee deep :love_heart:
  10. only one gun to do all

    I could take over the world with a Red Rider!
  11. EDC bag? I laughed so I will share

    you out lasted me
  12. Buy one get one on canned chicken

    snagged 25 at half time-thanks
  13. Buy one get one on canned chicken

    need coupon or any limit?
  14. What to do if stuck in quick sand- poll

    where the hell is Jane and Chetah ?
  15. Help with city wife. Please.

    send her to my house. I've got some tricks i can show her. :D
  16. What to do if stuck in quick sand- poll

    swim slowly ;)
  17. If you were to bury something for an emergency, what would it be?

    another boeshield fan here
  18. I need to meet a prepper girl!

    i like them all and i have a problem
  19. What lasts longer?

    I would think weevils would be pure protein.
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