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  1. Ham or CB radio?

    Old coon hunters around that need reliable comm over short distances use FM marine radios. Not legal but effective and quiet.
  2. Fatwood harvest

    Yankees are best known to start chimney fires with this if not supervised...........
  3. How to make moonshine at home, simply - FOR EDUCATION PURPOSES ONLY

    It is legal to make your own in New Zealand........................
  4. Are there any preppers out there in gwinnett county?

    I can skin a buck and run a trot line...................
  5. ODT Group buy in for 4,620-acre Bug out location

    Let's not forget the ever increasing land taxes, insurance and stuff. We could lease out the hunting and farm rights to pay for those I suppose. I guess I COULD do $50..... On another note a HUGE deer was killed near here last week. A 22 pointer that they say will rank as the 5th highest...
  6. ODT Group buy in for 4,620-acre Bug out location

    I live nearby, DON'T :hat: do it.........unless you're on a government program, then by all means, welcome. And it's pronounced PEE-CANS :cool:
  7. SHTF 20hrs ago

    Kinda hard NOT to make milestones eh? I feel yer pain, It's been 5 years, 7 months, 17 days, 40 minutes and 41 seconds for me. (Milestone quitcounter intended) For a grand total of 13,341 dollars saved (most important milestone)
  8. SHTF 20hrs ago

    You got high blood pressure from eating sunflower seeds? In what quantity sir? That's amazing!
  9. SHTF 20hrs ago

    NTAP Good luck, you can do it............ Do some reading here for reinforcement when you feel weak)
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