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  1. Before you bug out, a cautionary tale.

    I’d die without YouTube shorts.
  2. Teetering on The Edge

    Awesome thread to kick off the weekend. I won’t be available to spend thanksgiving with you this year.
  3. Couples and Families to Plan and Prep together

    I prepped once. It’ll have to do
  4. Couples and Families to Plan and Prep together

    I’m already where I’m planning to be. That makes my planning easier. Shoot me here. I’d be less pissed off than if you chased me for 2 days and then shot me.
  5. Couples and Families to Plan and Prep together

    I’m curious… since this thread is so old, have any like minded families joined forces as a result of this thread? If so, are you all still on speaking terms or is it more of a “in case of emergency, call …” kinda thing?
  6. Couples and Families to Plan and Prep together

    This thread is 12 years old. Now, you MUST include groups 1 and 2 with your group. It’s 2024
  7. Ok ok so shipwrecked on a large island-what 3 things would you need

    A good hand painted Altoid tin can get you out of many a jam.
  8. SHTF questions

    a March 1-10 shorty lpvo. Please, everyone agree with me so he'll buy mine.
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